Oh hey! We didn't see you there.
Welcome to the International Support Team's British Culture Blog. We're so happy to see you. Come in and take a seat, we have so much to show you.
This blog has been set up to show you some of the amazing, weird but fun things the UK has to offer. We'll be using these posts to show you cultural phenomenon, festivals, language, food and drink and so much more.
Our first post is one close to our hearts: The Art of Being Scouse.
You might be thinking, what is "scouse"?
Well, to put it simply, we are scouse. Specifically, people from Liverpool are scouse. We are known across the land as "Scousers".
The name comes from a delicious local stew. You may have seen it around. Make sure you try it if you see it on a menu (but only in Liverpool!). If you want to make it yourself though, check out this great recipe here.
You may also notice we have an accent. Don't worry, not many people understand what we're saying either.

But it's not our fault, we were just made that way. In fact, is has been said by many in Northern Europe that because of our accent, we "sing when we talk". Isn't that nice?
Of course, this is no help if you can't understand a word we are saying. Therefore, I've made it easy and got a list of the most common phrases so you can become an honorary scouser in no time!
Sound = Good
ie. "That's sound that" ("That's good!)
Boss = Great
ie. "You're boss!" ("You're Great!")
Deffo = Definitely
ie. "I deffo want some of that" ("I would definitely like some")
Dead = Very
ie. "That's dead good!" ("That's very good!")
Ages = A long time
ie. "I haven't seen you in ages" ("It's been a long time since I've seen you")
In a bit! = See you later/Bye
Made up = Happy
ie. "I'm made up I passed my exams" (I'm so happy I passed my exams")
I've missed out the most common one: Lad.
Everybody is a "lad", it's our friendly term for people. Don't be confused if you're a girl and you are called lad. It's just natural.
What else do you need to know?
Well, we love our football (everyone wants to know if you support Liverpool FC or Everton FC). Make sure you try to see a match. Even if you don't like football, it is always a great event!.
We like making jokes, especially if they are about ourselves.
We are passionate about where we are from. We're passionate people in general. You will see that!
We're always willing to help a stranger. Don't be afraid to ask if you need help!
There's so much more, but I'm running out of time!
We live by one motto, and here it is:

It will serve you well!
How has your experience in Liverpool been? Has the accent been difficult to understand? Have you tried some local foods yet?
Let us know in the comments!
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